1. gsoap的好处就不用说了:
2. gsoap的下载地址:,目前我使用的是2.8.15版本
3. 开发环境:Ubuntu13.10
4. 具体操作步骤(以简单相加为例):
//gsoap ns service name: calc//gsoap ns service protocol: SOAP//gsoap ns service style: rpc//gsoap ns service encoding: encoded//gsoap ns service namespace: http://localhost:8888//gsoap ns service location: http://localhost:8888//gsoap ns service port: http://localhost:8888 int ns__add( int num1, int num2, int* sum );
#include "soapcalcService.h" /* 与add.h中第一行ns有关 */#include "calc.nsmap" /* 与add.h中第一行ns有关 */int main(int argc, char **argv){ calcService calc; /* 创建calc对象 */ if (argc < 2) calc.serve(); /* serve as CGI application */ else { int port = atoi(argv[1]); if (!port) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: server\n"); exit(0); } /* run iterative server on port until fatal error */ if (calc.run(port)) /* 运行在port端口上 */ { calc.soap_stream_fault(std::cerr); exit(-1); } } return 0;} int calcService::add(int a, int b, int *result) /* 在此处实现add() */{ *result = a + b; return SOAP_OK;}
#include "soapcalcProxy.h" /* 与add.h第一行的ns有关 */#include "calc.nsmap" /* 与add.h第一行的ns有关 */#include#include const char server[] = "";int main(int argc, char **argv){ if (argc < 3) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: client num1 num2\n"); exit(0); } int a, b, result; a = (int)(strtod(argv[1], NULL)); /* str转double再转int */ b = (int)(strtod(argv[2], NULL)); calcProxy calc; /* 创建calc对象 */ calc.soap_endpoint = server; /* 设定server */ calc.add(a, b, &result); /* 执行add() */ if (calc.error) calc.soap_stream_fault(std::cerr); else printf("result = %d\n", result); /* 打印消息 */ return 0;}
# this is a Makefile to build client and server# please setting the GSOAP_ROOT first.# build procedure(EXAMPLE): server run on pc, then client run on arm# step1: setting GSOAP_ROOT# step2: setting OBJ_NS # the first line in add.h# step3: setting OBJ_NAME # the basename of filename of add.h# step4: setting CC and CXX# step4: makeOBJ_NS := calcOBJ_NAME := addGSOAP_ROOT := /home/scue/work/gsoap_2.8.15/gsoapINCLUDE := -I$(GSOAP_ROOT)CC := clang++GCC := clang++#CC := arm-linux-g++#CXX := arm-linux-g++CFLAGS += -wCXXFLAGS += -wOBJ_SERVER := soapC.o stdsoap2.o soap$(OBJ_NS)Service.o $(OBJ_NAME)server.oOBJ_CLIENT := soapC.o stdsoap2.o soap$(OBJ_NS)Proxy.o $(OBJ_NAME)client.oall: @make soap @make server @make client server: $(OBJ_SERVER) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $^ -o $@client: $(OBJ_CLIENT) $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $^ -o $@.PHONY:soapsoap: @cp -v $(GSOAP_ROOT)/stdsoap2.* . @$(GSOAP_ROOT)/bin/linux386/soapcpp2 -i $(OBJ_NAME).hsoapqt: @mkdir -p $(OBJ_NS)qtclient @cp -v soapH.h soapStub.h stdsoap2.h soap$(OBJ_NS)Proxy.h \ soapC.cpp stdsoap2.cpp soap$(OBJ_NS)Proxy.cpp $(OBJ_NS).nsmap \ $(OBJ_NS)qtclient/# -c 生成C的文件# -i 生成C++的文件.PHONY:cleanclean: rm -f server client *.odistclean: rm -f server client *.o ns* soap* *.xml *.nsmap *.wsdl stdsoap2.*
make./server 4567./client 2 3 #将会返回5,也可以直接在浏览器中输入http://localhost:4567进行验证